Thursday, December 9, 2010

Not for the squeamish...

I've been reading up on this gallbladder stuff & it's just frightening/fascinating.

& yet it all fits.

My being told off for being Vitamin D deficient (essential for baby brain development - isn't it crazy how you have to ask straight out, to have someone explain to you why something is important? do other people just nod & take their tablets I wonder?) fits with gall bladder disease

Caffeinated colas & fatty foods, mainly animal proteins & dairy, are danger foods - so it explains why vegetarianism worked so well for me.

Sunshine is also essential for the body to process Vitamin D - so with more work going on & me being less active & therefore outside less, voila! low Vitamin D

& for today's 'too much information' - shut your eyes if you're squeamish - if you don't process fat properly your poo floats. I just thought everyone's poo floated eh?

It's all very interesting when it all fits & you can see how it affects your body/health - now I just need the mental energy & enthusiasm to do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking a bit about the Vitamin D thing myself lately. I think a lack of Vitamin D is a bit understandable though when it was the sun that gave you cancer in the first place. Hope you're getting some Vitamin D now that the work has comment about processing fat! xx
