Thursday, April 8, 2010

Achieving my goals...

In keeping with the spirit of the front line management training I am due to fly interstate for at 6am Monday morning, I have made myself a list of jobs that need to be done before I can head out.
I was so tired this week after not only getting the paper out as usual, but trying to achieve all the jobs on my list that when I finally woke up in the morning I had a list of six or seven booty texts on both my phones that I had simply slept through.

I still haven't finished Item 1: washing all the bedding or Item 4. packing the kids' clothes but I quite enjoyed putting a big red line through Item 7: putting Back-up Boy firmly in his place one last time before having mad, crazy goodbye sex on Friday

One more box...ticked!

A fish out of water...

I am an atheist - and I'm writing a front page story about how wonderful a christian community this is.

I am a leftie - and I live & work in the heart of Liberal's safest Federal & State seats.

I'm a greenie - in a town where mining & fishing are the big lifesavers & local farmers are pushing for GM moratoriums to be lifted.

A single, divorced mum of two in a town of five-child married-forever, five-generation families.

I'm feeling a little bit out of touch this week

The end is nigh!

The strangest little old lady in the world stopped me today to tell me that she likes my headlines.

I  was a little surpried because I always think my headlines are strange & cliched (it's not my most obvious skill).

...and then I looked at her, with her prolific letter-to-the-editor writing & her mismatched op shop dress sense & her evil dachshund dog & her prozac gaze & her random oh-so-chatty visits to my office & I realised that if she & I are on the same wavelength then I've just been offered a frightening vision of my own future.

The end is nigh!